首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped為啥翻譯為怦然心動 > 第9部分

第9部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊之死靈法師:我殺怪就變強邊路天王星穹之上與光同行全職明星網遊:從一場邂逅開始開局系統已壞,只好帶威少拿冠軍吞噬星空之支取天賦什麼邪法?我這是正兒八經的正法從武道通神開始小富則安多我一個後富怎麼了我沒落網,憑什麼說我有罪!別再催眠我了,反派皇女!三國:我不是曹睿1991我的年代華娛熱血傳奇之笑傲江湖領主:我的蟻族無限進化網遊:無限揹包,放裝備就變強封神直播間這個傳奇不對勁

Lyta takes off down the hall and my mother says; “Salmonella?” She turns to my father。

“Do you suppose they could have salmonella?”

“I don't know; Patsy。 I'm more concerned that our son is a coward。”

“A coward! Rick; please。 Bryce is no such thing。 He's a wonderful child who's — ”

“Who's afraid of a girl。”

“Dad; I'm not afraid of her; she just bugs me!”


“You know why! She bugs you; too。 She's over the top about everything!”

……… Page 27………

“Bryce; I asked you to conquer your fear; but all you did was give in to it。 If you were in love

with her; that would be one thing。 Love is something to

be afraid of; but this; this is embarrassing。 So she talks too much; so she's too enthused

about every little thing; so what? Get in; get your question

answered; and get out。 Stand up to her; for cryin' out loud!”

“Rick …;” my mom was saying; “Rick; calm down。 He did find out what you asked him to — ”

“No; he didn't!”

“What do you mean?”

“He tells me they're all chickens! Of course they're all chickens! The question is how many

are hens; and how many are roosters。”

I could almost hear the click in my brain; and man; I felt like a plete doofus。 No wonder

he was disgusted with me。 I was an idiot! They were

all chickens … du…uh! Garrett acted like he was some expert on chickens; and he didn't know

diddly…squat! Why had I listened to hi

