首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 哲學史-philosophy of history(英文版) > 第10部分

第10部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 第二世界的我們接手湖人從老詹4萬分開始我在遊戲裡出不去了穿越獸世後憑藉醫術躺贏了王者:我的中路爆殺全場冷青衫新書妖魔降臨?龍國十億玩家夾道歡迎商如意宇文愆全集小說閱讀免費我就不是主教練那個料NBA:板凳皇帝網遊之無敵盾戰網遊:武林巔峰之路遊戲降臨,首殺公告刷屏全網!全民求生:我是地窟第一猛男榮耀背後異界領主:從建築奇蹟開始天賦:與世無爭遊戲入侵:我的血能毒殺異界神魔S級高危人格,你管這叫小可憐?全民瘋狗一條見人就殺

insisted upon; and the very dogmatic opinions asserted; must be examined。 At no time so much as

in our own; have such general principles and notions been advanced; or with greater assurance。 If

in days gone by; history seems to present itself as a struggle of passions; in our time — though

displays of passion are not wanting — it exhibits partly a predominance of the struggle of notions

assuming the authority of principles; partly that of passions and interests essentially subjective; but

under the mask of such higher sanctions。 The pretensions thus contended for as legitimate in the

name of that which has been stated as the ultimate aim of Reason; pass accordingly; for absolute

aims; — to the same extent as Religion; Morals; Ethics。 Nothing; as before remarked; is now more

mon than the plaint that the ideals which imagination sets up are not realised — that these

glorious dreams are destroyed by cold actuality。 These Ideals — which in the voyage of life

founder on the rocks of hard reality — may be in the first instance only subjective; and belong to

the idiosyncrasy of the individual; imagining himself the highest and wisest。 Such do not properly

belong to this category。 For the fancies which the individual in his isolation indulges; cannot be the

model for universal reality; just as universal law is not designed for the units of the mass。 These as

such may; in fact; find t
