首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 哲學史-philosophy of history(英文版) > 第9部分

第9部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 第二世界的我們接手湖人從老詹4萬分開始我在遊戲裡出不去了穿越獸世後憑藉醫術躺贏了王者:我的中路爆殺全場冷青衫新書妖魔降臨?龍國十億玩家夾道歡迎商如意宇文愆全集小說閱讀免費我就不是主教練那個料NBA:板凳皇帝網遊之無敵盾戰網遊:武林巔峰之路遊戲降臨,首殺公告刷屏全網!全民求生:我是地窟第一猛男榮耀背後異界領主:從建築奇蹟開始天賦:與世無爭遊戲入侵:我的血能毒殺異界神魔S級高危人格,你管這叫小可憐?全民瘋狗一條見人就殺

inconsistent features in their career; for it was they who best understood affairs; from whom

others learned; and approved; or at least acquiesced in their policy。 For that Spirit which had

taken this fresh step in history is the inmost soul of all individuals; but in a state of unconsciousness

which the great men in question aroused。 Their fellows; therefore; follow these soul…leaders; for

they feel the irresistible power of their own inner Spirit thus embodied。 If we go on to cast a look

at the fate of these World…Historical persons; whose vocation it was to be the agents of the

World…Spirit; — we shall find it to have been no happy one。 They attained no calm enjoyment;

their whole life was labour and trouble; their whole nature was nought else but their

master…passion。 When their object is attained they fall off like empty hulls from the kernel。 They

die early; like Alexander; they are murdered; like Caesar; transported to St。 Helena。; like

Napoleon。 This fearful consolation — that historical men have not enjoyed what is called

happiness; and of which only private life (and this may be passed under very various external

circumstances) is capable; — this consolation those may draw from history; who stand in need of

it; and it is craved by Envy — vexed at what is great and transcendent; — striving; therefore; to

depreciate it; and to find some flaw in it。 Thus in modern time
