首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 哲學史-philosophy of history(英文版) > 第8部分

第8部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 快逃!死他手裡會失去一切!遊戲開發師:開發雞爪流逼哭策劃遊戲降臨:輸出都得喊我一聲媽!全民穿越:從石頭人開始賦生萬物我叫佐助,忍界首富NBA:從不一樣的湖人隊開始風塵四起網遊:開局獲得辟邪劍譜夢幻西遊:我有神級進階系統【足球】我在中超練小妖網遊之匠藝人生奇門風水大天師開局被貶為庶民,我直升陸地神仙華娛:瀟灑人生抗戰:我能賦予小兵詞條斷絕關係後,我繼承了鎮北王都重生了誰還混社會戀綜:你惹他幹嘛?他五行缺德啊美漫:我的運氣有億點點好!七零軍婚:那兩口子都有點癲

particularisation; for the universal absolute being; it is the side of its definite existence; the sphere

of its formal reality; the sphere of the reverence paid to God。 — To prehend the absolute

connection of this antithesis; is the profound task of metaphysics。 This Limitation originates all

forms of particularity of whatever kind。 The formal volition 'of which we have spoken' wills itself;

desires to make its own personality valid in all that it purposes and does: even the pious individual

wishes to be saved and happy。 This pole of the antithesis; existing for itself; is — in contrast with

the Absolute Universal Being — a special separate existence; taking cognisance of speciality only;

and willing that alone。 In short it plays its part in the region of mere phenomena。 This is the sphere

of particular purposes; in effecting which individuals exert themselves on behalf of their individuality

— give it full play and objective realisation。 This is also the sphere of happiness and its opposite。

He is happy who finds his condition suited to his special character; will; and fancy; and so enjoys

himself in that condition。 The History of the World is not the theatre of happiness。 Periods of

happiness are blank pages in it; for they are periods of harmony; — periods when the antithesis is

in abeyance。 Reflection on self; — the Freedom above described — is abstractly defined as the
