首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 哲學史-philosophy of history(英文版) > 第6部分

第6部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 快逃!死他手裡會失去一切!遊戲開發師:開發雞爪流逼哭策劃遊戲降臨:輸出都得喊我一聲媽!全民穿越:從石頭人開始賦生萬物我叫佐助,忍界首富NBA:從不一樣的湖人隊開始風塵四起網遊:開局獲得辟邪劍譜夢幻西遊:我有神級進階系統【足球】我在中超練小妖網遊之匠藝人生奇門風水大天師開局被貶為庶民,我直升陸地神仙華娛:瀟灑人生抗戰:我能賦予小兵詞條斷絕關係後,我繼承了鎮北王都重生了誰還混社會戀綜:你惹他幹嘛?他五行缺德啊美漫:我的運氣有億點點好!七零軍婚:那兩口子都有點癲

consciousness of one's own being。 Two things must be distinguished in consciousness; first; the

fact that I know; secondly; what I know。 In self consciousness these are merged in one; for

Spirit knows itself。 It involves an appreciation of its own nature; as also an energy enabling it to

realise itself; to make itself actually that which it is potentially。 According to this abstract definition

it may be said of Universal History; that it is the exhibition of Spirit in the process of working out

the knowledge of that which it is potentially。 And as the germ bears in itself the whole nature of the

tree; and the taste and form of its fruits; so do the first traces of Spirit virtually contain the whole of

that History。 The Orientals have not attained the knowledge that Spirit — Man as such — is free;

and because they do not know this they are not free。 They only know that one is free。 But on this

very account; the freedom of that one is only caprice; ferocity — brutal recklessness or passion; or

a mildness and tameness of the desires; which is itself only an accident of Nature — mere caprice

like the former。 — That one is therefore only a Despot; not a free man。 The consciousness of

Freedom first arose among the Greeks; and therefore they were free; but they; and the Romans

likewise; knew only that some are free; — not man as such。 Even Plato and Aristotle did not know

this。 The 
