首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 哲學史-philosophy of history(英文版) > 第5部分

第5部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 第二世界的我們接手湖人從老詹4萬分開始我在遊戲裡出不去了穿越獸世後憑藉醫術躺贏了王者:我的中路爆殺全場冷青衫新書妖魔降臨?龍國十億玩家夾道歡迎商如意宇文愆全集小說閱讀免費我就不是主教練那個料NBA:板凳皇帝網遊之無敵盾戰網遊:武林巔峰之路遊戲降臨,首殺公告刷屏全網!全民求生:我是地窟第一猛男榮耀背後異界領主:從建築奇蹟開始天賦:與世無爭遊戲入侵:我的血能毒殺異界神魔S級高危人格,你管這叫小可憐?全民瘋狗一條見人就殺

definite application; or displayed in its bearing on the grand total — the entire course of human

history。 But to explain History is to depict the passions of mankind; the genius; the active powers;

that play their part on the great stage; and the providentially determined process which these

exhibit; constitutes what is generally called the “plan” of Providence。 Yet it is this very plan which

is supposed to be concealed from our view: which it is deemed presumption; even to wish to

recognise。 The ignorance of Anaxagoras; as to how intelligence reveals itself in actual existence;

was ingenuous。 Neither in his consciousness; nor in that of Greece at large; had that thought been

further expanded。 He had not attained the power to apply his general principle to the concrete; so

as to deduce the latter from the former。 It was Socrates who took the first step in prehending

the union of the Concrete with the Universal。 Anaxagoras; then; did not take up a hostile position

towards such an application。 The mon belief in Providence does; at least it opposes the use of

the principle on the large scale; and denies the possibility of discerning the plan of Providence。 In

isolated cases this plan is supposed to be manifest。 Pious persons are encouraged to recognise in

particular circumstances; something more than mere chance; to acknowledge the guiding hand of

God; e。g。 when help has unexpe
