首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 哲學史-philosophy of history(英文版) > 第5部分

第5部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 全球遊戲入侵邪神今天失憶了嗎天賦融靈:可融萬物靈性入自身系統獎勵:錢多的花不完!開局拒絕絕美校花,網戀物件竟然是房東阿姨網遊:開局覺醒禁忌天賦腦葉:我公司裡全是A級?開局信仰負十,你讓我當神父?最強農場主網遊三國之隱形大佬我只想當個無憂島主籃球:悟性逆天,全能控衛倚天:重生張無忌,多情公子我的妖物衍生技才是正統的投資天驕百年,女帝稱我為師拍遍全網糊咖,醉姐終於火了我小號都成神了!你們還在升級?風起,雲湧,雷鳴,雨重唐朝小教父隋朝的棋局

ctedly e to an individual in great perplexity and need。 But

these instances。 of providential design are of a limited kind; and concern the acplishment of

nothing more than the desires of the individual in question。 But in the history of the World; the

Individuals we have to do with are Peoples; Totalities that are States。 We cannot; therefore; be

satisfied with what we may call this “peddling” view of Providence; to which the belief alluded to

limits itself。 Equally unsatisfactory is the merely abstract; undefined belief in a Providence; when

that belief is not brought to bear upon the details of the process which it conducts。 On the contrary

our earnest endeavour must be directed to the recognition of the ways of Providence; the means it

uses; and the historical phenomena in which it manifests itself; and we must show their connection

with the general principle above mentioned。 But in noticing the recognition of the plan of Divine

Providence generally; I have implicitly touched upon a prominent question of the day; viz。 that of

the possibility of knowing God: or rather — since public opinion has ceased to allow it to be a

matter of question — the doctrine that it is impossible to know God。 In direct contravention of

what is manded in holy Scripture as the highest duty; — that we should not merely love; but

know God; — the prevalent dogma involves the denial of what is there sai

