首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 哲學史-philosophy of history(英文版) > 第18部分

第18部分(第3/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 海上開局兩腳地,別人求生我求神我轉投章邯再建大秦,劉邦哭麻了人在斬神,我能竊取神明詞條怪物來了都地獄遊戲了,誰還當人啊御獸飛昇NBA:天賦拉滿,帶著卡特奪冠射程沒有上限,起手就是洲際導彈網遊:每天獲得士兵不過分吧求生:開局戰五渣,全靠寵物帶躺我的弟子遍佈全球修改器玩家的旅途求生:從一座破鐵屋開始網遊,我的運氣有億點點好網遊之異世入侵我在遊戲裡當造物主網遊:諸位,我只想當個好人木筏求生,重生把前男友喂鯊魚遊戲巔峰:神域之戰超神學院之黑色長城

 same one root with Thought。 As it is not the brute; but only the man that

thinks; he only — and only because he is a thinking being — has Freedom。 His consciousness

imports this; that the individual prehends itself as a person; that is; recognises itself in its single

existence as possessing universality; — as capable of abstraction from; and of surrendering all

speciality; and; therefore; as inherently infinite。 Consequently those spheres of intelligence which lie

beyond the limits of this consciousness are a mon ground among those substantial distinctions。

Even morality; which is so intimately connected with the consciousness of freedom; can be very

pure while that consciousness is still wanting; as far; that is to say; as it expresses duties and rights

only as objective mands; or even as far as it remains satisfied with the merely formal elevation

of the soul — the surrender of the sensual; and of all sensual motives — in a purely negative;

self…denying fashion。 The Chinese morality — since Europeans have bee acquainted with it

and with the writings of Confucius — has obtained the greatest praise and proportionate attention

from those who are familiar with the Christian morality。 There is a similar acknowledgment of the

sublimity with which the Indian religion and poetry; (a statement that must; however; be limited to

the higher kind); but especially the Indian philosophy; ex


焚天玄火高德斯編年史外國文藝欣賞(百家講壇叢書)銀一兩豐饒的山野(散文)狠心二少 (我愛壞男人系列2)