首頁 > 遊戲競技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第25部分

第25部分(第3/9 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: NBA:開局融合鯊魚文班亞馬籃球:在NBA修仙的日子虛擬現實:這個NPC不是太正經開局解約,我用足球征服歐洲網遊:開局淪為祭品,我反手弒神王者:讓你穩村標,你拿大國標?上交求生遊戲後國家霸榜了世界OL2初之心盛霆燁葉凡唐若雪盧丹妮鄧佳哲周錚穿越成太子的小說隆霧迷眼南璃楚爍免費穿越小說沈驚覺和白小小司念周越深姜綰宋九淵的小說我都修仙了,還要讀書?神醫嫡妃世無雙盛眠傅燕城全文小說免費

hoarse shouts at the gate; and all

her floating foamy whiteness passes slowly into the cab。

Her father notices her slim ankle and foot as she steps up: a

child's foot。 His heart is hard with tenderness。 But she is in

ecstasies with herself for making such a lovely spectacle。 All

the way she sat flamboyant with bliss because it was all so

lovely。 She looked down solicitously at her bouquet: white roses

and lilies…of…the…valley and tube…roses and maidenhair

fern……very rich and cascade…like。

Her father sat bewildered with all this strangeness; his

heart was so full it felt hard; and he couldn't think of


The church was decorated for Christmas; dark with evergreens;

cold and snowy with white flowers。 He went vaguely down to the

altar。 How long was it since he had gone to be married himself?

He was not sure whether he was going to be married now; or what

he had e for。 He had a troubled notion that he had to do

something or other。 He saw his wife's bonnet; and wondered why

she wasn't there with him。

They stood before the altar。 He was staring up at the east

window; that glowed intensely; a sort of blue purple: it was

deep blue glowing; and some crimson; and little yellow flowers

held fast in veins of shadow; in a heavy web of darkness。 How it

burned alive in radiance among its black web。

〃Who giveth this wom

