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第4部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 逆水寒手遊:繫結系統後暴富了帶S級球娘美少女舉起世界盃NPC覺醒後,瘋批領主放肆寵!洛青舟秦蒹葭小說收集球衣,我只是為了繼承球技我踢前鋒,老爹是老闆電競曙光絕地槍王NBA新神降臨全民修真從完美遊戲崛起全球高武我的戰力億點點我在LPL詞條上單,LCK麻了菜鳥小凡的遊戲生涯海上開局兩腳地,別人求生我求神我轉投章邯再建大秦,劉邦哭麻了人在斬神,我能竊取神明詞條怪物來了都地獄遊戲了,誰還當人啊御獸飛昇NBA:天賦拉滿,帶著卡特奪冠射程沒有上限,起手就是洲際導彈

over windows; weeds sticking out all over the place;

and a barnyard's worth of animals running wild。 I'm talking dogs; cats; chickens; even snakes。

I swear to God; her brothers have a boa constrictor in

their room。 They dragged me in there when I was about ten and made me watch it eat a rat。

A live; beady…eyed rat。 They held that rodent up by its

tail and gulp; the boa swallowed it whole。 That snake gave me nightmares for a month。

Anyway; normally I wouldn't care about someone's yard; but the Bakers' mess bugged my

dad big…time; and he channeled his frustration into our

yard。 He said it was our neighborly duty to show them what a yard's supposed to look like。

So while Mike and Matt are busy plumping up their boa;

I'm having to mow and edge our yard; then sweep the walkways and gutter; which is going a

little overboard; if you ask me。

And you'd think Juli's dad—who's a big; strong; bricklaying dude — would fix the place up;

but no。 According to my mom; he spends all his free

time painting。 His landscapes don't seem like anything special to me; but judging by his price

tags; he thinks quite a lot of them。 We see them every

year at the Mayfield County Fair; and my parents always say the same thing: “The world

would have more beauty in it if he'd fix up the yard instead。”

Mom and Juli's mom do talk some。 I think my mom feels sorry for Mrs。 Baker — she 

鄰居的你會中國功夫的獸人校花的貼身高手 續傳1渡劫珠傳奇武破乾坤黎巫傳說(完結)