首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 富爸爸窮爸爸目錄 > 第2部分

第2部分(第6/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 鬥羅:我都修仙了,還封號鬥羅?NBA最強主教打散N個三巨頭英雄無敵之修仙mod里斯本競技出道,開啟葡萄牙王朝全民遊戲製作大師LOL:人在滔博,未來可期鬥羅:奶媽葉夕水,打倒神王唐三艾澤拉斯沒有巨魔數碼寶貝世界裡想回家的中年男人重生成大帝奧登勇闖NBA製作超獸武裝遊戲,主播們玩瘋了進入求生遊戲後,變成歐皇了!諾克薩斯的榮光【網遊之永恆】開局召喚精靈公主異世界:我載入了職業面板這個牧師超正義足球:一首梨花香,足壇最強前鋒無限諸天:從獲得史蒂夫面板開始NBA:神級中鋒,鎮壓小球時代戰爭雷霆之從成為地獄貓車長開始

luable insight into the way true investors analyze their investment decisions。

When we as parents advise our children to 〃go to school; study hard and get a good job;〃 we often do that out of cultural habit。 It has always been the right thing to do。 When I met Robert; his ideas initially startled me。 Having been raised by two fathers; he had been taught to strive for two different goals。 His educated dad advised him to work for a corporation。 His rich dad advised him to own the corporation。 Both life paths required education; but the subjects of study were pletely different。 His educated dad encouraged Robert to be a smart person。 His rich dad encouraged Robert to know how to hire smart people。

Having two dads caused many problems。 Robert's real dad was the superintendent of education for the state of Hawaii。 By the time Robert was 16; the threat of 〃If you don't get good grades; you won't get a good job〃 had little effect。 He already knew his career path was to own corporations; not to work for them。 In fact; if it had not been for a wise and persistent high school guidance counselor; Robert might not have gone on to college。 He admits that。 He was eager to start building his assets; but finally agreed that the college education would also be a benefit to him。

Truthfully; the ideas in this book are probably too far fetched and radical for most parents today。 Some parents are having a hard enough time simply keeping their children in school。 But in light 

