首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 富爸爸窮爸爸講到的人生髮展階段包括 > 第22部分

第22部分(第3/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 人在半島,繼承魏武遺風全民網遊:我開局五大職業暗黑小傭兵美利堅驅魔男神我和她三七開,她三拳,我頭七這款密教模擬器真的有問題民國詭事聯盟:讓你買上單,你買個老頭?你又通關了?!末日求生:我有萬界直播打賞系統這死靈法師也太真實了虧錢打職業,我成就大滿貫求生從小刀開始無畏契約:這個選手有億點點強!跟魔女小姐貼貼的感覺實在太棒了神印:從一把重劍到砍翻聖魔大陸王者之電競大魔王兵擊劍聖:從斬殺宮本武藏開始帝國時代:我能無限偷取科技網遊之天命星辰

 〃I can't afford it。〃

In my real home; that's all I heard。 Instead; rich dad required his children to say; 〃How can I afford it?〃 His reasoning; the words 〃I can't afford it〃 shut down your brain。 It didn't have to think anymore。 〃How can I afford it'〃 opened up the brain。 Forced it to think and search for answers。

But most importantly; he felt the words 〃I can't afford it〃 were a lie。 And the human spirit knew it。 〃The human spirit is very; very; powerful;〃 he would say。 〃It knows it can do anything。〃 By having a lazy mind that says; 〃I can't afford it;〃 a war breaks out inside you。 Your spirit is angry; and your lazy mind must defend its lie。 The spirit is screaming; 〃e on。 Let's go to the gym and work out。〃 And the lazy mind says; 〃But I'm tired。 I worked really hard today。〃 Or the human spirit says; 〃I'm sick and tired of being poor。 Let's get out there and get rich。〃 To which the lazy mind says; 〃Rich people are greedy。 Besides it's too much bother。

It's not safe。 I might lose money。 I'm working hard enough as it is。 I've got too much to do at work anyway。 Look at what I have to do tonight。 My boss wants it finished by the morning。〃

〃I can't afford it〃 also brings up sadness。 A helplessness that leads to ' despondency and often depression。 〃Apathy〃 is another word。 〃How can I afford it?〃 opens up possibilities; excitement and dreams。 So rich dad ; was not so concerned about what you wanted to buy; but that 〃How can 'f j I afford it?〃 crea


守護甜心之春之音韻九煞魔修(孤煙冷)都市上忍重生之毒鴛鴦 作者:萌吧啦海上開局兩腳地,別人求生我求神開局娶了鞠婧依