首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped chapter 13 > 第9部分

第9部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 逆水寒手遊:繫結系統後暴富了帶S級球娘美少女舉起世界盃NPC覺醒後,瘋批領主放肆寵!洛青舟秦蒹葭小說收集球衣,我只是為了繼承球技我踢前鋒,老爹是老闆電競曙光絕地槍王NBA新神降臨全民修真從完美遊戲崛起全球高武我的戰力億點點我在LPL詞條上單,LCK麻了菜鳥小凡的遊戲生涯海上開局兩腳地,別人求生我求神我轉投章邯再建大秦,劉邦哭麻了人在斬神,我能竊取神明詞條怪物來了都地獄遊戲了,誰還當人啊御獸飛昇NBA:天賦拉滿,帶著卡特奪冠射程沒有上限,起手就是洲際導彈


He sighed; then took that bite of noodles and chewed it for the longest time。

It felt like I was sinking fast; but I couldn't figure out why。 So I tried to bail out with; “And you

guys can go ahead and eat those eggs; but there's no

way I'm going to touch them; so don't even ask。”

My mother's looking back and forth from my dad to me while she eats her salad; and I can

tell she's waiting for him to address my adventure as a

neighborhood operative。 But since he's not saying anything; she clears her throat and says;

“Why's that?”

“Because there's … well; there's …I don't know how to say this nicely。”

“Just say it;” my father snaps。

“Well; there's; you know; excrement everywhere。”

“Oh; gross!” my sister says; throwing down her fork。

“You mean chicken droppings?” my mother asks。

“Yeah。 There's not even a lawn。 It's all dirt and; uh; you know; chicken turds。 The chickens

walk in it and peck through it and…”

“Oh; gross!” Lyta wails。

“Well; it's true!”

Lyta stands up and says; “You expect me to eat after this?” and stalks out of the room。

“Lyta! You have to eat something;” my mother calls after her。

“No; I don't!” she shouts back; then a second later she sticks her head back into the dining

room and says; “And don't expect me to eat any of

those eggs either; Mother。 Does the word salmonella mean anything to you?”

鄰居的你會中國功夫的獸人校花的貼身高手 續傳1渡劫珠傳奇武破乾坤黎巫傳說(完結)