首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 最美麗的英文故事mp3 > 第19部分

第19部分(第1/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 大姚穿越重振籃聯重生三十年頂級球星打造商業帝國巨星閃耀全民航海:開局獲得海神權杖!王者:邊路第一惡霸,震驚全網三萬毫米殲星炮,這片廢土我來罩化身NPC:我與玩家和平共處籃壇第一外掛我一體校生:成為拳王很合理吧不是御獸師咋了?我有一國御獸魔法書成真:開始夢域副本眉山蘇氏,蘇允最賢超能進化:我的兵種有點貴龍族:路明非的逆反劇本末日遊戲的違規者我把NPC拐跑後遊戲崩了捱打永久加生命,開局即無敵強制遊戲從EVA開始的穿越之旅NBA帶著西蒙斯踏上籃球之巔

One evening we all hustled into the car to drive to a Christmas party at the home of family friends。 We were a little behind schedule because my mom; sister; and I had gotten home late after spending a long day writing checks; signing charge slips; and bringing hysterical grins of joy to the faces of local merchants at a nearby mall。

My mom looked across the front seat at my dad and said; “Whew! What a busy day!I feel like I haven’t seen you in a week!”

My dad grunted; checked the rearview mirror; and changed lanes at something approximating the speed of light。

My mom reached over and twirled a lock of my dad’s hair around her finger。 “I know!Let’s look at each other。 For just a minute。 In the eyes。”

My dad responded this time。 He groaned。 “Honey; I’m driving。”

“Ten seconds。 Five!I haven’t seen you all day。 I need to look into your eyes。 Are you ready?”

He shook his head。 “I can’t look right now。 We’ll have a wreck!”

“At the next light。”

At the speed we were traveling; we hit the next red light in no time。 And sure enough; holding hands across the front seat; my parents turned and gazed into each other’s eyes。 “Hi;” my mom said。 “Hi;” my dad said warmly back。

Then the light changed; the gas pedal hit the floor; and the race was on again。 Nothing had changed; and yet everything had changed。 Most of all; I was silently moved by what I had witnessed: a small harbor of reconnection in a raging hurricane of activit
