首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 富爸爸窮爸爸深層解析 > 第24部分

第24部分(第4/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 武俠遊戲我只練初級武學求生,從獨佔一顆星球開始破鏡【別名碰鏡】一年的電競網遊:我能無限增加防禦從天刀開始的遊戲生涯全民求生:從零開始征服迷霧世界NBA:瘋,使勁瘋,瘋批人生網遊:開局獲得玄冥神掌海上求生我靠開寶箱霸榜第一禁忌降臨世間,我覺醒了血肉戰甲大姚穿越1978籃壇全是他的人網遊之劍起太初家人怕我創業,反手充值千億網遊升級經驗一萬倍但獎勵提升六倍NBA:防守滿分,我帶登哥奪冠在無限世界努力保持正常人狀態瓦:紅溫型選手,隊友越紅我越強領主:開局化身天災,戰場成禁區最終試煉遊戲

es to money; the masses generally have one basic formula they learned in school。 And that is; work for money。 The formula I see that is predominant in the world is that every day millions of people get up and go to work; earn money; pay bills; balance checkbooks; buy some mutual funds and go back to work。 That is the basic formula; or recipe。

If you're tired of what you're doing; or you're not making enough; it's simply a case of changing the formula via which you make money。

Years ago; when I was 26;1 took a weekend class called 〃How to Buy Real Estate Foreclosures。〃 I learned a formula。 The next trick was to have the discipline to actually put into action what I had learned。 That is where most people stop。 For three years; while working for Xerox; I spent my spare time learning to master the art of buying foreclosures。 I've made several million dollars using that formula; but today; it's too slow and too many other people are doing it。

So after I mastered that formula; I went in search of other formulas。 For many of the classes; I did not use the information I learned directly; 'i| but I always learned something new。

I have attended classes designed for only derivative traders; also a class for modity option traders and a class for Chaologists。 I was way out of my league; being in a room full of people with doctorates in nuclear physics and space science。 Yet; I learned a lot that made my stock and real estate investing more meaningful and lucrat


禁愛貪歡小妻穿越之復仇菊花之刺少年陰陽師閻王下山下半身與下半生(第一部. 3p.bl)