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第5部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 逆水寒手遊:繫結系統後暴富了帶S級球娘美少女舉起世界盃NPC覺醒後,瘋批領主放肆寵!洛青舟秦蒹葭小說收集球衣,我只是為了繼承球技我踢前鋒,老爹是老闆電競曙光絕地槍王NBA新神降臨全民修真從完美遊戲崛起全球高武我的戰力億點點我在LPL詞條上單,LCK麻了菜鳥小凡的遊戲生涯海上開局兩腳地,別人求生我求神我轉投章邯再建大秦,劉邦哭麻了人在斬神,我能竊取神明詞條怪物來了都地獄遊戲了,誰還當人啊御獸飛昇NBA:天賦拉滿,帶著卡特奪冠射程沒有上限,起手就是洲際導彈

something besides passing the salt。 And does he want to get to know me? No! He wants to

know about Juli!

I couldn't just stand up and leave; even though that's what I felt like doing。 Somehow I knew

if I left like that; he'd quit talking to me at all。 Even

about salt。 So I sat there feeling sort of tortured。 Was he mad at me? How could he be mad

at me? I hadn't done anything wrong!

When I looked up; he was sitting there holding out the newspaper to me。 “Read this;” he said。

“Without prejudice。”

I took it; and when he went back to looking out the window; I knew — I'd been dismissed。

By the time I got down to my room; I was mad。 I slammed my bedroom door and flopped

down on the bed; and after fuming about my sorry

excuse for a grandfather for a while; I shoved the newspaper in the bottom drawer of my

desk。 Like I needed to know any more about Juli Baker。

At dinner my mother asked me why I was so sulky; and she kept looking from me to my

grandfather。 Granddad didn't seem to need any salt;

which was a good thing because I might have thrown the shaker at him。

My sister and dad were all business as usual; though。 Lyta ate about two raisins out of

her carrot salad; then peeled the skin and meat off her

chicken wing and nibbled gristle off the bone; while my father filled up airspace talking about

office politics and the need for a shakedown in uppe

鄰居的你會中國功夫的獸人校花的貼身高手 續傳1渡劫珠傳奇武破乾坤黎巫傳說(完結)