第28章 開啟你(第1/3 頁)
李蒼吾在兩江市商業專科學校學習,他啃完課本覺得還不過癮,整日泡在圖書館裡,他找到了英文原版的《my way》。早在高中時期,李蒼吾就為這本書著迷,封面上寫著“A salesman’s achievements”。
當他看到“without enthusiasm, who can I impress.沒有熱情,我能打動誰?”他異常興奮,高中時就是因為這句話喜歡上的這本書。
“About the salesman's four hours in the evening. A salesman's success largely depends on how he spent the four hours at night. the worst salesman will watch tV at night, or plain, go out, play, etc. Such salesman are hopeless. General salesman to customers, entertainment, drink chat. Such salesman will have orders, but I think it's difficult to achieve great success. A good salesman will organize materials, analyze customers, and make plans in the evening. I think the best salesman is to continue reading for an hour after pleting the salesman's work. I think this industry has a very promising future, and salesman have the opportunity to be the boss.”
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