首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 青春往事歌曲 > 第2部分

第2部分(第3/5 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 在無限世界努力保持正常人狀態瓦:紅溫型選手,隊友越紅我越強領主:開局化身天災,戰場成禁區最終試煉遊戲夢幻西遊:開局一段鐵絲我無敵了我獨自挖礦顧總太太把你拉黑了喬若星顧景琰斬神:熾天使嫌棄後我直升至高神火影:掛機就變強七零:被趕出家門後我轉頭嫁軍官失控星光末日星晶:我有一個契約獸軍團天災降臨:我可以強化萬物原神:諸位,墮入深淵吧紅魔復興,從挽留穆里尼奧開始我的槍附加百種特性我在曼城看大門網遊:幻域風雲NBA:熱火三連冠無了?我來續橫跨大小球時代,庫裡鯊魚的結合








車裡播放這那首《gotta h*e you》

Gray; quiet and tired and mean

Picking at a worried seam

I try to make you mad at me

over the phone。

Red eyes and fire and signs

I'm taken by a nursery rhyme

I want to make a ray of sunshine

and never le*e home

No amount of coffee; no amount of crying

No amount of whiskey; no amount of wine

No;no no no no ; nothing else will do

I've gotta h*e you; I've gotta h*e you

The road gets cold; there's no spring in the middle this year

I'm the new chicken clucking open hearts and ears

Oh; such a prima donna; sorry for myself

But green; it is also summer

And I won't be warm till I'm lying in your arms

No amount of coffee; no amount of crying

No amount of whiskey; no amount of wine

No;no no no no ; nothing else will do

I've gotta h*e you; I've gotta h*e you

I see it all through a telescope:

guitar; suitcase; and a warm coat

Lying in the back of the blue boat; humming a tune


