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第15部分(第5/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 驚悚:我打造了異軌收容會抗戰:我謀士入局,覺醒小地圖!諜戰:大佐別猜了,我真是臥底諜戰:開局化身日本貴族軍官抗戰:我和軍事法庭雙向奔赴網遊:我盜聖,借億點神器怎麼了網遊:1級的我,偷竊神明愉悅精靈就變強?那不當訓練家了狐妖:女妖精們都喜歡我超神之開局被奪舍失敗系統解除安裝了奧特:從迪迦開始,我能拾取詞條斬神,荒天帝代理人,開局不滅經寶可夢:開局成為一名海盜!武俠征程的旁白系統瘋癲1960:街溜子帶偏四合院全英雄絕活,我上分如喝水反派代練:我在諸天玩兒瘋了不滅尊退婚後,師姐主動要與我雙修龍魂武帝

rces to effect change。

The Tax Code of the United States also allows other ways to save on taxes。 Most of these vehicles are available to anyone; but it is the rich who usually look for them because they are minding their own business。 For example; 〃1031〃 is jargon for Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code; which allows a seller to delay paying taxes on a piece of real estate; that is sold for a capital gain through an exchange for a more expensive piece of real estate。 Real estate is one investment vehicle that allows such a great tax advantage。 As long as you keep trading up in value; you I will not be taxed on the gains; until you liquidate。 People who do not take advantage of these tax savings offered legally are missing a great opportunity to build their asset columns。

The poor and middle class do not have the same resources。 They sit there and let the government's needles enter their arm and allow the blood donation to begin。 Today; I am constantly shocked at the number of people who pay more taxes; or take fewer deductions; simply because they are afraid of the government。 And I do know how frightening and intimidating a government tax agent can be。 I have had friends who have had their businesses shut down and destroyed; only to find out it was a mistake on the part of the government。 I realize all that。 But the price of working from January to mid…May is a high price to pay for that intimidation。 My poor dad never fought back。 My rich dad didn't ei

