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附錄IV 虎鯨攻擊人的記錄(第3/9 頁)

最新玄幻魔法小說: 收徒,為師真的和你天下第一好洪荒:開局成為東王公披著魔法袍的道士亂世武道:從礦工開始做起太古滅世帝訣都市異星科技傳說警報!龍國出現SSS級修仙者!天神傳說天崩開局:從捕妖人到人族大帝心聲繫結師尊師姐她們都想雙修我毀我大道根基,那我可就不當人了踏足的新世界巨龍:混亂世界的旅途鬥魂衛至尊:沐雲長生之死亡就會變強仙子請留步,我真不是舔狗開局自帶葫蘆,從殺生開始長生昊楓的修煉手冊九天冥帝

的動作中用力過猛,馴獸師 Roy Lock因鼻子骨折住院。

1972年夏天,七大洋海洋生物公園的兩名訓練員頭部被公園的逆戟鯨 Nootka咬傷。教練拉里·勞倫斯的頭皮受了輕傷,而教練鮑勃·皮克的眼睛則受了更嚴重的撕裂傷。

1970年代初,海洋世界\/非洲美國培訓師 Jeff pulaski在表演期間騎著一隻名叫 Kianu的年輕雌性逆戟鯨時,被甩下並被趕出水箱。

At the same park, also in the early 1970s, an unidentified marine world trainer was seized by the young male orky II and held at the bottom of the tank until the man nearly lost consciousness.

In the early 1970s, trainer manny Velasco recalls both hugo and Lolita of the miami Seaquarium being aggressive, lunging and snapping at the trainers standing on the central work-island, ending the training session for the day.

In the early 1970s, during a water work session hugo refused to allow trainer chip Kirk to get out of the water, Kirk explained to a journalist from the palm beach post. hugo bit him on the arm badly enough to leave a scar, which Kirk showed to the reporter.

In the early 1970s, hugo grabbed trainer bob pulaski by the wetsuit and began thrashing him. pulaski struggled, but it only made things worse. hugo's tank-mate Lolita then joined in and began a tug-of-war with hugo. pulaski managed to free himself from the tangled wetsuit and get to safety. pulaski did not mention if he sustained any injuries.

In the early 1970s, director of training at Sea-Arama marineworld Ken beggs claimed that one of the park's orcas, a young male named mamuk, attempted to bite his torso.

In the early 1970s, young female killer whale Nootka became aggres

