首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 哲學史-philosophy of history(英文版) > 第15部分

第15部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 全球遊戲入侵邪神今天失憶了嗎天賦融靈:可融萬物靈性入自身系統獎勵:錢多的花不完!開局拒絕絕美校花,網戀物件竟然是房東阿姨網遊:開局覺醒禁忌天賦腦葉:我公司裡全是A級?開局信仰負十,你讓我當神父?最強農場主網遊三國之隱形大佬我只想當個無憂島主籃球:悟性逆天,全能控衛倚天:重生張無忌,多情公子我的妖物衍生技才是正統的投資天驕百年,女帝稱我為師拍遍全網糊咖,醉姐終於火了我小號都成神了!你們還在升級?風起,雲湧,雷鳴,雨重唐朝小教父隋朝的棋局

onsciousness; i。e。 to itself。

§ 65

We have already made the remark how the mencement of the history of Spirit must be

conceived so as to be in harmony with its Idea — in its bearing on the representations that have

been made of a primitive “natural condition;” in which freedom and justice are supposed to

exist; or to have existed。 This was; however; nothing more than an assumption of historical

existence; conceived in the twilight of theorising reflection。 A pretension of quite another order; —

not a mere inference of reasoning; but making the claim of historical fact; and that supernaturally

confirmed; — is put forth in connection with a different view that is now widely promulgated by a

certain class of speculatists。 This view takes up the idea of the primitive paradisaical condition of

man; which had been previously expanded by the Theologians; after their fashion; — involving;

e。g。; the supposition that God spoke with Adam in Hebrew; — but remodelled to suit other

requirements。 The high authority appealed to in the first instance is the biblical narrative。 But this

depicts the primitive condition; partly only in the few well…known traits; but partly either as in man

generically; — human nature at large; — or; so far as Adam is to be taken as an individual; and

consequently one person; — as existing and pleted in this one; or only in one human pair。

The biblical 

