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第63部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊:幻域風雲NBA:熱火三連冠無了?我來續橫跨大小球時代,庫裡鯊魚的結合網遊之開局就很慘大姚穿越重振籃聯重生三十年頂級球星打造商業帝國巨星閃耀全民航海:開局獲得海神權杖!王者:邊路第一惡霸,震驚全網三萬毫米殲星炮,這片廢土我來罩化身NPC:我與玩家和平共處籃壇第一外掛我一體校生:成為拳王很合理吧不是御獸師咋了?我有一國御獸魔法書成真:開始夢域副本眉山蘇氏,蘇允最賢超能進化:我的兵種有點貴龍族:路明非的逆反劇本末日遊戲的違規者我把NPC拐跑後遊戲崩了

ests were less known; and those who devoted themselves to this chase were few in number and supremely qualified for the business。 Now travelling is cheap; hundreds handle the ; and all e home with something that is offered for sale under the ancient label。

It is curious how often imagination is verified by fact — perhaps; as I said at the beginning of this screed; because the lines in which it must work are narrow and after all based on fact; perhaps because it does possess some spiritual insight of its own。 Many instances have e within my own experience of which I will quote a few that I chance to remember。

I pass over “King Solomon’s Mines;” a work of pure imagination; for in my day very little was known of the regions wherein its scenes were laid; many details of which have been verified by subsequent discovery。 In its sequel; “Allan Quatermain;” however; occurs a fine example of the literary coincidence。 In this book I invented a mission station at an unexplored spot on the Tana River; which station I caused to be attacked by the Masai。 In subsequent editions of the work I inserted the following note; which explains itself:

By a very strange and sad coincidence; since the above was written; the Masai; in April 1886; massacred a missionary and his wife; Mr。 and Mrs。 Houghton — on this same Tana River; and at the spot described。 These are; I believe; the first white people who are known to have fallen victims to this cruel tribe。

Again; in a 
