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第45部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 籃壇第一外掛我一體校生:成為拳王很合理吧不是御獸師咋了?我有一國御獸魔法書成真:開始夢域副本眉山蘇氏,蘇允最賢超能進化:我的兵種有點貴龍族:路明非的逆反劇本末日遊戲的違規者我把NPC拐跑後遊戲崩了捱打永久加生命,開局即無敵強制遊戲從EVA開始的穿越之旅NBA帶著西蒙斯踏上籃球之巔網遊:女孩子也能成為大佬國乓!讓我成為我的榮耀!!光與暗的交響網遊:開局萬倍增幅,炸了新手村求生遊戲,我在異世捲成大佬體育:我在奧運會,吊打大漂亮龍族:我在屠龍時代做心靈導師

laces。 I am writing with perfect frankness because; of course; I want it to be A1 in its genre — a dreadfully difficult genre it is。 As far as I have read I have made a few verbal notes where the style occasionally is not consistent。 But the main thing is; at any expense; to hurry on more — to give the impression of solemnity; but at more speed; and with much fewer strokes。 I know you hate altering; so it is a prendre ou a laisser; this long screed of opinion。 Of course I see it is a book you have written for yourself。 But the B。P。 must also be thought of。

In a second letter; written about the same time; he says:

I gave all my morning to “Cleopatra” and return her。 After Chapter 8 she’ll do! I have marked a good many minutiae of style; or expression。 In a few places; a judicious shortening of moral reflections by Harmachis would give him more point to my mind。 Unluckily neither Harmachis nor Cleopatra is sympathetic。 Can’t be helped。 I think even more than before that you should lighten the ship by greatly shortening between chapters 3 and 8。 I can estimate this; because today I read slick on rapidly and was interested all the way。 In the earlier part my attention flagged over all the preparation; and many a traveller would not have persevered。 I like Antony; but don’t feel that that inexplicable person has had full justice done him。 The inevitably archaic style will not make it more popular; but that can’t possibly be helped。 As a whole I think the manner i
