首頁 > 遊戲競技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第22部分

第22部分(第1/9 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 王者:頂尖野王,全網主播哭泣我!開局三個天賦技能太多了全民領主:地精弱?那就建奇觀!SS級天賦,代價是變成女生?領主:我願建立一方樂土你為什麼不打籃球?雙職業,無限重置,閣下如何應對第四天災:玩家對抗玩的就是真實足球教練,我選擇國足分身都是樂子人,他信了他信了!全民巨魚求生:我能聽到巨魚心聲綻放於冬網遊三國:從南海開始,虎視天下網遊:金色天賦用來打金怎麼樣?求生試煉:從貓女開始進化1984,我在公牛隊當老闆斬神:纓子請自重,你別亂來呀!傳說時代我太想重生了

always sounded strange; re…echoing in the dark places of her


They very rarely touched each other。 They liked to be alone

together; near to each other; but there was still a distance

between them。

In the cool dairy the candle…light lit on the large; white

surfaces of the cream pans。 He turned his head sharply。 It was

so cool and remote in there; so remote。 His mouth was open in a

little; strained laugh。 She stood with her head bent; turned

aside。 He wanted to go near to her。 He had kissed her once。

Again his eye rested on the round blocks of butter; where the

emblematic bird lifted its breast from the shadow cast by the

candle flame。 What was restraining him? Her breast was near him;

his head lifted like an eagle's。 She did not move。 Suddenly;

ent; he put his arms

round her and drew her to him。 It was quick; cleanly done; like

a bird that swoops and sinks close; closer。

He was kissing her throat。 She turned and looked at him。 Her

eyes were dark and flowing with fire。 His eyes were hard and

bright with a fierce purpose and gladness; like a hawk's。 She

felt him flying into the dark space of her flames; like a brand;

like a gleaming hawk。

They had looked at each other; and seen each other strange;

yet near; very near; like a hawk stooping; swooping; dropping

into a flame of darkness。 So she took the cand
